Category Archives: intention

Monday Book Review-From The Heart

From the heart

This book was great.  Here are the 8 points that I learned from the book:

  1. Position yourself to take the shot.  Preparation is key for any success.  Robin learned that you must always be ready to take the shot.
  2. Dream BIG, but focus small.  Dreams are vague and far away, goals are tangible and achievable. When we focus on the goals, movement happens. 
  3. If at first you don’t succeed, dive back in.  Many times people give up with the first challenge.  We must remember that challenges will come and we must get ready for them.
  4. Never play the race, gender or any other card.  When we fall behind these various cards we are operating in fear.
  5. Venture outside of your comfort zone.  Find something that scares you and do it now.  You will grow from this experience tremendously.
  6. Focus on the solution and not the problem.  Your mind is like a huge google search, ask the question and it will bring you the answer.  Write down everything that comes to mind, you never know what is your ideal answer.
  7. Keep faith, family and friends close to your heart.  You must always be able to identify those who are put in your life to be your cheering squad.  
  8. Make your mess your message.  Many times we think of bad things that have happened to us are totally meant to destroy us.  I want you to make a shift today.  Start thinking of every problem as a lesson that you are destined to learn and share with the world.

Do yourself a favor and go read: FROM THE HEART.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionately called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Monday Book Review-Talent



This book has a great message about change.  Here are the 6 points that I learned from the book:

  1. In order to win everyone will need to be Me, Inc.  We must all consider ourselves self employed.  Even if we are working we must think about ourselves as a Brand.
  2. Business will be obsolete in 15-20 years.  If we know this now, we must get ourselves prepared to work in a different type of environment.  Goals must be completed and everyone will have show leadership skills.  Big Box Companies will disappear and the trend is already starting.
  3. Learning must never cease.  In order to be valuable and maintain our worthiness, we must remember that school is never out for the pro!
  4. The number 1 industry in the US that employs the most people is TEMP Services. Since 2001, this field has exploded.  This field will continue to expand as more companies go to a independent contractor system. 
  5. Have the attitude of You can change the world.  Projects that matter are so important now more than ever.  Make a Difference that is the thought of the day.  Nothing Succeeds Like Failure Feels.
  6. You Do Have he Power!!  The greatest sorry is to hear life changing information and decide you can’t implement it because you lack the power.  No one has to give you permission take it REALITY, IS THIS- if you refuse to sale yourself, your product, service or ideal, YOU WILL DIE ON THE VINE 

Do yourself a favor and read: TALENT.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionately called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Monday Book Review-Rainmaker


This was a very good book.  Here are the top 6 tips that I learned:

  1. Don’t fear rejection that’s how rainmakers are made.  We need to begin to expect rejection and be ready to deal with everything that comes our way.  Without the ability to deal with the rejection.
  2. Rainmakers have not competition.  When we operate in our “Sweet Spot” we should know that we have nothing that can stop you.
  3. Schedule an appointment and sale your customer.  Assume the sale and don’t forget to ask for the sale.  90% of sales people don’t ask.  When someone agrees to meet with you decide in advance that they will purchase everything you have pre-determined for them to have.  Don’t doubt your skill  or their ability to purchase. 
  4. Give the extra’s to build a life-long relationship.  When people like you, they will be doing business with a friend and suddenly the pressure is off.
  5. Fish where the BIG Fish are!!!  Don’t be afraid or ashamed of what you do for a living.  It is honorable to sell, don’t make it bad.  Give good thoughts to how you show up and others will believe what you think.
  6. You are a Rainmaker, make it RAIN! When you believe, you can do it!!!!!

Go and read this book: RAINMAKER.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionately called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Monday Book Review-42 Rules of Marketing


This was a good marketing book with multiple tips to help a business person market their business.  Here are the top 6 tips that I learned:

  1. Rules are meant to be broken.  If you spend time following marketing gurus, you will find that most of them make up rules that work for them.  I have learned what worked for them, may not work for you.  You must be willing to break the rules.
  2. Marketing must result in sales.  I have tried so many things to market my business. What I have realized if it does not cause someone to sign up or purchase, it was not a good ideal.  Please try various things but be willing to cancel the marketing if nothing results because of your marketing.
  3. Be consistent.  It’s so easy to try something one time.  The magic happens when you do something over and over and you get known for that thing.  If you want to be known for your work, do it consistently.
  4. Develop your own rules to follow.  No one can explain or make people understand like you do.  While you are watching others succeed, define success for yourself.  Decide how you work best, it must good for you.  You must give yourself the permission to change the rules to meet your needs and help you find your success.
  5. Visibility is key.  You must be seen if you truly want to make a difference in the world.  If you are the BOMB and no one knows, you will BLOW up by yourself!
  6. Make them laugh!  Laughter is so important.  It is one of the best ways to get people to get comfortable with you.  When you get people comfortable with you, they will listen to you.  When they listen, your important information is digested by them and it allows them the opportunity to join you or buy from you.  Spend time making people laugh.

Go and read this book and watch your marketing grow: 42 RULES OF MARKETING.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionately called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Friday Movie Review- A Dog’s Purpose


This movie was very good and I was quite surprised.  Here are the 6 lessons I learned from the movie:

1.Have fun everyday.  The dog longed to have fun by playing with the owner.  Take time to have some fun everyday even if it is just minutes per day.

2.Sometimes the fun leave your life.  It’s during these times that we gain great clarity.  When the fun leaves us it forces us to get bitter or better.  Which will you choose?

3. Be here NOW.  I think most of you know that I truly believe you can not wast 1 minute of your life.  This statement  rings true on so many levels!!  Resolve you will be here NOW–Get in the present and stay in the present.

4. The worst thing is being ALONE.  Sometime syou are alone because you desire to be alone.  Other times you are ALONE because of separation due to death, divorce or a decision to split.  Find out how much aloneness you desire and fill your life with the people you love.

5. Our purpose might change.  It so interesting to see as I get older things that I thought made a huge difference to me, now are not that important.  I really see the reason why our purpose might change, it’s because we change.  We never stay the same and our thought and intelligence changes as well.  So accept the changes that you presented daily.

6. You can find true love.  Some people find love early in life and live happily ever after and other people might find it later in life.  Either way just find your TRUE LOVE!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts




Depressed businessman sitting under trouble thought boxes
Young depressed businessman sitting under white drawn trouble thought boxes

Failure–What comes up in your mind when you hear this word???  I have gotten very familiar with this word in the last few years.  What I have found is that many times, new successes come out of the failure you experience.

Failure is somewhat like beauty–it truly lies in the eyes of the beholder.  The definition of failure can be extremely strict or extremely lenient.  What I have found is most of the times, we are more hard on ourselves than others.  So when something does not go right for us, we immediately call the situation a FAILURE.  We must learn to give ourselves more room to make mistakes.

So if you want to be fair–judge your success on standards you would give to another person.  Don’t make your rules so difficult that it is impossible for you to win.   Give yourself a break. 

Make sure you have the right definition of FAILURE!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Monday Book Review-Ish

This is little book was so profound! Here are the 6 lessons that I learned:

1.Do you have a hobby you like to do?? Ramon loved to draw.  See what skill you enjoy doing and it brings you joy.

2. Do you “buckle” when someone dislikes what you are doing??  It’s not easy to take a hit from someone when you feel like you are doing your best. We can’t allow anyone to derail us from our goals.

3.People are watching you. As you go about day to day, you would be surprised who is looking at what you are doing. People that you would not except to support you, are many times wishing you well.

4. Your trash is another person’s treasure.  We might see the value in everything that we are doing.  Be willing to take a compliment.  Look for the good in yourself and others.

5. Ishly allows your ideals to flow freely.   When you stop worrying about things being perfect you can relax and be creative.

6. Some things can’t be captured, simply savored.  Guess what you might not always win.  You might not end up on top.  We must know that the answer can be YES or LEARN.  

Awesome thought provoking book to challenge you, go get: ISH

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Book Review-Pure Deception


This book was AMAZING!  Here are the 6 lessons I gained from the book:

  1. Your dreams can be derailed.  Amanda thought she had it “ALL”.  She had the man of her dreams-an accomplished Oncologist, a handsome son and a house many would long to occupy.  Amanda would not ever imagine that her life would go from “DREAM” to “NIGHTMARE” after years of marriage. In a blink of an eye, Amanda was living a nightmare that she had not prepared for and her future looked bleak.
  2. You never really know if your spouse has a double life.  During Amanda’s reflection times, she started to put the pieces together. Humans live by routine, when it’s broken–Somethings UP!!!  My best marriage advice has always been: Keep your door open.  Translated to mean if you want to GO-GO and if you want to STAY-STAY but communication will be REQUIRED either way.  Everyone has a “DON”T CROSS THIS LINE MARK”, you must KNOW this is you want your relationship to last.
  3. There are 3 type of friends. 1. Those who helped you in difficult times; 2. Those who left you in difficult times; 3. Those who put you in difficult times.  WOW- this statement rings true in just about every situation that you encounter.  The best lesson is some people don’t need to be in your life.  When they show what type of friend they are–learn from that and never expect anything different from them. When you find yourself in a difficult time, pay close attention to how your friends react.  Are they with you offering to help you? Or are they somewhere talking about you?
  4. Some people don’t play fair.  When we find ourselves in challenging times we realize that some people will do anything to win.  Dr. Casey was determined to play dirty.  The best strategy to use when faced with this is EXPECT the UNEXPECTED.  When you are ready for anything to happen, you put yourself in a better place to brace the storm that is coming your way.
  5. When you start lying, it’s hard to find the a way to stop. Dr. Casey had so many issues going on that it was a miracle that he could remember.  It’s during these times of speaking so many lies that people get careless and something is bound to be forgotten.  It is so easy to just TELL THE TRUTH!
  6. Words have POWER! Whether you believe in speaking things into existence or not, many times those things you speak, you see!  When you read the book, you will realize the statement that Amanda spoke several times and results she manifests.

If you want to read a great book, get your copy of : PURE DECEPTION!  Connect with the Author Robin Munro on Facebook @

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Movie Review-Hidden Figures


This movie was AMAZING!  Here are the 6 lessons I gained from the movie:

  1. The right position has privileges.Many times we have great privileges that we receive because of the position we hold.
  2. We are living the impossible.  Do you believe we are living the impossible?  If you truly believe that you can–it’s all a matter of belief.
  3. The work you do matters.  It is so easy to think that what you do has no weight, but imagine the world without your contribution.
  4. Everyone will not appreciate your gift.  We might encounter people who don’t believe in us or what we have the power to do.  It is our job to BELIEVE in ourselves.
  5. Numbers don’t lie.  Numbers are an abosulute science.  I love when there is not other answer to the question 4+4 will always = 8.
  6. Who ever gets there first calls the rules.  When you look at new things, the first person who started it usually is the leader that everyone follows.

If you want to see a GREAT movie go & see: HIDDEN FIGURES!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at

Monday Book Review-Oh, The Place You’ll Go!


This book was written by Dr. Seuss for children, but the lessons are priceless.  Here are the 6 lessons I received:

  1. Life is full of choices.  During our life will encounter a number of options and we must make a choice.
  2. You will see some great things.  In every area in life, you need to keep our eyes on the good things that happen in our life.
  3. You will make some bad decisions.  Sometime we need to start over and we might get off track.  Everyone makes a bad decision from time to time.
  4. There is FUN to be done.  Many times we don’t take the time to see the Fun that is available for us.  See the FUN everyday.
  5. Sometimes you must go alone.  I know that in every stage of our life, we need some alone time.  God does his best work when we are alone and he has our captive attention.
  6. Life is a GREAT Balancing Act. We will have HIGHS and we will have LOWS.  We must realize that nothing stays the same.  We have to be willing to learn as we go up and we go down.  Hopefully our life will be a GREAT Balancing ACT!

If you want to be blessed get this book: OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at