Tag Archives: selfhelp

Book Review-Poke the Box


Seth Godin is known for INCREDIBLE work and this book is no exception. Let me tell you the 6 tips I learned from this book:

  1. Invent the status quo.  Stop following the path that everyone is following.  This can be difficult to do because you can be following the advice of a coach or mentor.  It’s hard to carve out your path independently but I want you to do try to do something alone for the next 90 days.  
  2. Be the person to follow.  Seth states this requires a change in your posture. You must become a person of influence.  Do you truly BELIEVE that you are someone to follow??
  3. Become educated.  Motivation and inspiration requires increasing your skills. If you want to know how to keep motivating yourself and others, learn everything you can about it.
  4. Become known. I always say, you can be the BOMB.com but if you don’t tell anyone, you will blow up by yourself. In this world of internet and social media, it is easy to get known, just have something to say.
  5. Be consistent.  If you want to really move the needle on any project that you attempt, get consistent in working on it.  You will make some traction if you keep doing the right thing over and over.
  6. Have the heart and passion to go after your goals. If you want to obtain your goals, know that you must ACT on your passion.

Take some time and enjoy reading: POKE THE BOX.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.

Joy in All Circumstances

2016 is almost a wrap.  I have had better years, but I have been able to maintain my JOY all year long.  I have been able to give up all the outcomes to God.  It is our responsibility to do the work that is required.  When we know what lies in our hands we can maintain our Joy everyday.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

It’s Not Over Till I WIN!!!!


It’s Not Over Till I WIN!!  These are the thoughts that are going thru my mind everyday.  You see when you know that you were picked to achieve and succeed at something, you can’t give up. 

When your situation looks gloom, know that everything you need is always been inside of you.  I know what it feels like to want something and everything seems to be not going in your favor.  You must put your faith in God and know without a shadow of a doubt that you will WIN!!!!

If you want to do more and see more in your life, it starts with your belief.  If you don’t have belief, nothing is going to happen for you. The most important nugget I can share with you is to always have massive belief in yourself.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.

Monday-Book Review-The Power of Nice

niceMonday Book Review-The Power of Nice.  This book is a thought of being nice everyday.

The author has determined 6 Power of Nice Principles:

  1. Positive impressions are like seeds.  If you plant good seeds good things will grow.  So many times the bad that happens in our life might be a result of our karma returning to us.
  2. You never know.  If you can think of the best possible thing that can happen to you, you might be surprised that it will happen.  You see you never know what the next step will be in your life.
  3. People change.  We are a sum total of our life experiences.  As we are blessed to see another day, our change is guaranteed.
  4. Nice must be automatic.  This is so true, people can feel the fakeness in a person.  Stay true to who you are.
  5. Negative impressions are like germs.  I am a living witness, that negativity is a bad germ that grows very easily. 
  6. You will know.  You see being nice is like having a saving account.  I can count times that my actions have caused great things to happen to me. Just remember always be nice to others and it will pay off.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.

Movie Review-Snowden


This movie-SNOWDEN was simply EXCITING!!!!!

These are my 6 lessons learned that I take from the movie:

  1. You can’t hide.  This was so evident with the information shared in this movie.  Since this movie is based on the truth, it was very eye opening to what can happen when you speak unflattering on the United Sates.
  2. The more you look the less you see.  Wow many times we don’t see the forest for the trees.  In technical situations things are very connecting and affect other areas.
  3. Keep studying the right thing. If you keep studying the right thing, you will get the right information.
  4. Remember you are being watched.  The information has given security so much access to our private lives. 
  5. People you love may leave when you are in intense work mode.  Many times we get so involved in work that you loose sight of your relationships.
  6. You will pay for your actions.  If you do wrong you will pay.  Nothing goes without payment in some form.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.



What’s Inside


It’s so easy to judge someone without knowing what’s inside.  You see we are the sum total of everything that happens to us.  Some of us choose to learn from everything we encounter and some of us blame others for everything that happens to us.

When we take some time and get to know others, we begin to know what is inside of them.  Many people are dealing with tremendous hurt and baggage.  When people operate from past hurts and anger, it is not easy to deal with them because we don’t know what their trigger are and we can’t avoid them if we don’t know them.

Decide now that you will take some time to find out: WHAT’S INSIDE!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.

Monday Book Review-Show Your Work!



The Monday Book Review of Show Your Work gives you examples of how you can be a creative person. 

These are my 6 lessons that I am taking from the book:

  1. You don’t have to be a genius.  This point was so valid because some of the things that we do don’t seem that special at all.  But our actions can have an AMAZING effect on other people.
  2. Tell Good Stories.  Everything can be shared with a good story.  Stories give us a great look at things differently.  Have you ever heard a story that allows you to go to another place???  That’s how you can share your business with others.
  3. Share something small everyday.  This tip can offer you a life change.  If you consciously decide to do something small can I suggest it be small and kind??? If you really want to see a change in yourself and others start to do something small everyday. 
  4. Teach what you want to know.  Many times we spend so much time looking for        someone to teach us, turn the tables and teach what you already know.  Many people can benefit from your knowledge.
  5. Don’t turn into human spam.  Many times we spend a lot of time watching others that we think that are better than us.  Don’t over spend time wishing to be someone else and watching their every move.
  6. Stick Around.  Make sure your mind on what you want and stick to it. Even when things are doing going bad, stay in the game.  When you think you can’t go on, stick around. 

If you want to learn some tips to change your creative mind, pick up: SHOW YOUR WORK!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.


Movie Review-War Dogs


This week’s movie was War Dogs!  It was exciting and interesting. 

Here are my 6 points of importance in this movie:

1.War is about MONEY.  I had no ideal how much money is spent on war.  This was definitely an eye opener for me.  I can totally see how a company can become wealthy with providing items to the government.

2. You have to get fed up.  Many times before you experience a MAJOR financial breakthrough you might be on the edge of a financial disaster.  You must get MAD-Motivated and Determined.  When you do, you will work and get things done..

3. Expect the unexpected.  This is a very true statement.  When things are going good, realize that someone or something might come to put a roadblock in your great flow of life.

4.The Triangle of Death! Even though this is a real area in a foreign land, I believe we have our own triangle of death that we must avoid.  Our disbelief, our lack of work and our wrong plan.  These items can be described as our TRIANGLE of DEATH in our BUSINESS or LIFE.

5. Look for the MAGIC BALL.  You see if you look at things differently you can experience some different things.  I truly believe in MAGIC and what it can do for our life.

6. Partnerships might not be the best thing for you.  I truly believe that if you have an ideal it is so important that you try to work that ideal independently because most people are not a good match.  If you think you can do it, please have a good legal contract in place if you ever need to get out of the partnership.

Take some time to go and see: WAR DOGS.

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.

Over The Cliff

over the cliff

What happens if YOU go OVER THE CLIFF???  Do you believe you will grow WINGS and FLY or will you crush to your death??  Many times we experience Cliffs in our lives and I want to say that I believe that we have both outcomes sometimes.

I want you to be aware of your options, when you find yourself on a cliff.  You see that cliff can be a opportunity to leave your current environment, to give up your current way of eating and become a vegetarian, or to simply go right when everyone is turning left.

If you find that you are getting pushed over the cliff-CHOOSE will your wings appear??  Or will you crush to your death???  If you choose to BELIEVE I think your wings will become functional. 

I know that you might get pushed against your will, but decide that you will accept that PUSH might make your grow.  That push can be the beginning of your TERRIFIC Re-Start!  Everything is a matter of your interpretation.  If you want you belief YOU CAN-YOU CAN!!  The opposite is true as well YOU THINK YOU CAN’T-YOU CAN’T.

Let your shift come as a result of you being pushed: OVER THE CLIFF!!!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.

Monday Book Review-Do It Right!


Monday Book Review-Do It Right! In business there are so many unanswered questions.  Valerie Sokolosky uses her knowledge to give business owners a GO-TO-GUIDE for these questions.

These are my TOP 6 tips from this book:

  1.  It is very good to learn etiquette before you ruin a business relationship.  I am particular interested in the results of the little extras that a business owners can do to stand apart.  Some as simple as good etiquette can put you light years ahead.
  2. If you wonder if something is right or wrong–this book will answer it for you.  Valerie gives tips for eating in public to what you should wear.  She wants to share tiny steps that make a big difference.
  3. Many people do not know the rules of etiquette.  If you take the lead you will be respected by business connections and/or co-workers.
  4. If you miss some of these little tips that Valerie shares during interviews and meetings,  you will be disqualified for something you could have avoided.
  5. Learning these 245 tips can really change your life.  You see people might listen to what you say, but I guarantee you 100% they are watching your every move.
  6. These modern day rules of etiquette is a great place to start if you want to build an authentic brand.  Your brand must be liked and these little nice actions can have you soaring with the eagles.

If you want to walk on all areas of your life, go get: Do It Right!

From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones was put here to HELP the HURTING!  If you are one of millions that have experience some type of LOSS, Sheryl is the person to help you.  Sheryl Jones affectionally called the Queen of Hearts is a Dallas Social Worker on the journey to International Motivator.  Sheryl’s passion for others  inspires them to have HOPE.  She teaches women and a few good men how to LIVE the LIFE they LOVE!!  Sheryl has suffered the loss of her special needs son and she used that pain to help others.  Sheryl started a company to help individuals with special needs acquire services and help their parents relax.  Sheryl learned from her sorry a set of unique skills to Re-GAIN HOPE and Find JOY Again. Now her primary focus is speaking on various platforms, hosting a radio show and providing books and products to those who follow her.  Sheryl would LOVE to help YOU.  Contact her at www.sheryljonesqueenofhearts.com.