Aspire to INSPIRE before you EXPIRE!


One of the best things that you can do is be an inspiration to someone else.  I think I have always wanted to help others and be of service to them, but I never considered that I was an inspiration until I was told by others that my message helped them.

If you are wanting to help others move ahead in their life, tell your story.  Share what you know has helped you, share your failures, share your success and most of all share about you.  It does not matter if you think it is significant or not, share because you never know who can benefit from your story.

If you just make a conscious decision to Inspire one person by being interested in what is going on in their life. We all feel better when we give to another person.  To enhance our life, it is a great ideal to enhance the lives of others.  Be a go to person for those in need.  I’m not talking about always giving money, you can give advice, a kind word, instruction and prayers.  If you are always on the giving in of life, you are guaranteed to INSPIRE someone.


From the bottom of a grateful heart,

Sheryl Jones-Queen of Hearts

Sheryl Jones affectionally known as The Queen of Hearts, is a Social Worker turned International Motivator. Sheryl is on a MISSION to provide LOVE of HEART services to everyone she meets. Sheryl began the LOVE OF HEART MOVEMENT Radio Show to help identify entrepreneurs, service providers and community volunteers who ALWAYS serves from the Love of their Heart when dealing with others. She truly believes what the World needs NOW is LOVE!!!  Sheryl’s primary focus is on sharing her message to to heal the hurting hearts thru her life experiences.  Connect with her to find out more about the movement to live a life well LOVED. Contact her at

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